June 15, 2023
GLOBIS University Creates Think Tank to Expand Technovate Research
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo–In June 2023, the Graduate School of Management, GLOBIS University established the Technovate Management Research Institute (TechMaRI). This think tank will serve as a research center for industry and talent development. At the helm will be Soichi Kariyazono, Managing Partner of GLOBIS Capital Partners.
TechMaRi aims to expand Technovate research by building off the foundations of GLOBIS University. Tapping into the knowledge offered by the GLOBIS MBA and capital invested by GLOBIS Capital Partners, this newly founded institute endeavors to make GLOBIS the number 1 driving force in the Technovate era and will offer cutting-edge insights to serve both industry and individuals.
TechMaRI is made of five synergies, which include: research, surveying, education, dissemination, and application. Within GLOBIS University, the institute is working to lead the change with up-to-date and applicable curriculum in GLOBIS courses including Venture Capital & Finance, Venture Management, and Venture Strategy Planning. Content in these areas is being adapted based on the globalization of the market, use of digital technologies, and increasing reliance on AI.
Research and survey results on business education will be published and available to the public in a periodical journal*2. Looking to the future, TechMaRI will be critical in knowledge-sharing and helping to increase synergy with stakeholders of GLOBIS. Furthermore, GLOBIS Manabi-Hodai learning, a subscription-based video learning service of GLOBIS, has produced content for learning GX knowledge in cooperation with TechMaRI to promote GX (Green Transformation)*3 driven by the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
*1 Technovate: A GLOBIS term combining “technology” and “innovate”
*2 GLOBIS University journal (Japanese only): https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/globis/-char/ja
*3 Green Transformation: Transforming the entire economic and social system through efforts to realize a carbon-free society
Technovate Management Research Institute (TechMaRI)
Organization Information:
- Director: Soichi Kariyazono, Managing Partner, GLOBIS Capital Partners
- Deputy Director: Yasuji Takahara, Faculty Content Leader, Creative Faculty Group, GLOBIS University
- Official website (Japanese only): https://mba.globis.ac.jp/feature/technovate/techmari/
About GLOBIS University
Founded in a small rented classroom in 1992 by renowned entrepreneur Yoshito Hori, GLOBIS University has grown to become the largest business school in Japan. With the principles of fostering skill development, a professional network, and a personal mission, the institution is committed to developing visionary leaders who create and innovate societies. GLOBIS University boasts a vast international faculty and five main campuses in Japan, with aims to become Asia’s No. 1 MBA. The Part-time MBA in English was launched in 2009, the Full-time MBA in 2012, and the Online MBA in 2017. GLOBIS University continues to expand its curriculum with course offerings in digital technology and entrepreneurship, promoting business mastery in an age of global innovation.
Since its foundation in 1992, GLOBIS has fostered a vision to create and innovate societies by fostering management ecosystems of people, capital, and knowledge. Today, the company is involved in a range of activities, from higher education and corporate training to venture capital. GLOBIS also operates the G1 Institute and the KIBOW Foundation, both non-profit organizations to promote creativity and innovation in society. The GLOBIS MBA and corporate training programs are offered both online and in person across Japan, Shanghai, Singapore, Thailand, the USA and Europe. GLOBIS University is the proud home of Japan’s largest MBA and is rapidly growing to claim this title for all of Asia.
– GLOBIS Corporation
– GLOBIS University
– GLOBIS Capital Partners
– GLOBIS Asia Campus
– GLOBIS China
– GLOBIS Thailand
– GLOBIS Europe
– G1 Institute
– Ibaraki Robots Sports Entertainment
– KIBOW Foundation
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